Lunch Bathroom – don’t look in the mirror
The lunch bathrooms are not the best. They are obviously used mostly during lunch, but oddly enough not to use the restroom. It sometimes seems more like a hangout spot making the use of the facility difficult. The mirror placement is also awkward. There Is only one sink with a mirror above it and then there is just a random mirror in the back of the bathroom that is always blocked by people during lunch. Overall the bathroom is just difficult to use when it is busy.
World Language Bathrooms – basically fine
The bathrooms by the language classrooms are fine. They are small and only have four stalls so for the five minute shuffle, it may not work out. They also have a tendency to be closed, which makes it very inconvenient because you have to walk all the way to the bathrooms in the English wing. The language bathrooms aren’t great, but when open, they are a viable option.
Upstairs English Bathrooms – space-ish, up-to-date, bacteria caution
In my opinion, this is the best bathroom at MHS. It is on the newer side, so it looks nice. It has a lot of stalls, a good mirror, and good sinks. The only complaint is that it only has air dryers and no paper towels. I personally and a lot of people I know do not use hand dryers because there is research saying they have more bacteria. Tiktok has helped spread the word and “canceled” them. So, if you are willing, try to use these restrooms, but maybe bring your own hand sanitizer.
Stairs/Exit Bathrooms (near Custodial offices) – maybe a hidden gem?
This bathroom is mediocre. I have only used it once and I don’t see many people using it. It’s kind of an awkward spot for a bathroom because during passing time there is a lot of traffic so it would be hard to get in and out of. But it isn’t near very many classes either, so most students don’t use it if they are using the bathroom during class. The only people who might use it are people in Industrial Classes, but even that I don’t know.
Attendance Bathrooms (near Attendance and Cafeteria) – not for students?
The bathrooms by Attendance are not frequently used by many students. I have used the bathroom only a handful of times. It runs into the same issues as the Stairs/Exit bathrooms with it being positioned in a place not close to classes and being blocked by traffic during passing time. It is likely that staff utilizes the bathroom as it is close to many adult offices in the building.
Math/Social Studies Bathrooms – it once had potential…
I have mixed feelings about this bathroom. It is great because it has a full-length mirror in it as well as being close to the social studies lower wing. But it doesn’t have mirrors above the regular sink. If it is crowded, you can’t even look in the mirror because it’s situated so closely to the entry of the stall in an already narrow, galley-style bathroom. The major issue though, is that some students misuse the bathrooms and it makes the experience uncomfortable. Also during passing time, there is a really long line and people gather for no reason.
Auditorium Bathrooms – super small
This bathroom is not used by anyone regularly during the school day. The most it is ever used is during concerts, plays, musicals, or anything in the auditorium because it is the closest bathroom. But during a normal school day, it is barely used. Perhaps is lack of usage is simply because it is undersized. I don’t even feel qualified to offer a recommendation because of its underuse.
Music Wing Bathrooms – VIP access
These bathrooms are usually kept nice. But they are really only an option for music students or maybe art students. There really isn’t a point for non-music kids to use this bathroom as they would have to go way out of their way to use it. In fact, last school year the misuse of the facilities caused a lot of frustration for Fine Arts kids because the bathrooms were temporarily shutdown and caused a ripple effect of students then also not being able to hangout in that wing before school. Side note: the bathroom only has two stalls so there is often a line.