*This story includes spoilers.*
Alex’s Review
Overall: 9/10
The animatronics look realistic while also keeping it as close to the games as possible.
The movie brushes over Mike’s background trauma and doesn’t spend too much time on it before getting into the movie. (I think movies that take too much time on the backstory are just boring because we want to get into the nitty-gritty of the movie.)
The spring trap suit looks amazing, and the suit spring locking down on him was kind of anticlimactic, but was something that everyone was waiting for and the fact that it was followed up by the “I always come back” line made it even better.
The transition of Foxy’s inner child Fritz in Pirate Cove to Foxy was incredible.
Josh Hutcherson is fine.
The red eyes when the animatronics are mad are a nice touch but don’t follow the lore or how the animatronics looked in the game.
Abby can also see the kid versions of the animatronics in her dreams and they talk to her about what happened to them. I wasn’t sure what the plotline was with her or what they wanted her to be.
I couldn’t take the animatronics seriously at first. Seeing them in a live-action setting was something I wasn’t ready for.
Vanessa turning out to be Elizabeth Afton doesn’t make sense to me. This plot line isn’t in the lore of the game because she possesses Baby.
Kaitlyn’s Review
Overall: 8.9/10
The animatronics and the four friends looked so good and realistic.
The transitions such as when the inner child of Foxy changed were great.
It gave my inner FNAF kid peace. It opened a new door to a series that I grew up on. Being able to watch that movie as a teenager instead of a kid just made my heart feel warm.
I thought that the actor for Vanessa was a great choice because she played the part so well and it fit her. With all of the games, comics, and more with FNAF I believe Vanessa’s image was perfectly encaptured in the actress they chose.
I thought there were going to be more jump-scares. I was hoping for a scarier movie, so the lack of it kind of disappointed me. I think the cameras could have had jump-scares as well as the parts where the animatronics were trying to “fight”.
I was confused at the start because I was unsure what the plotline would be with Abby. Turns out, that was a poor choice by the writers. Her character did not make sense to me because her character lacked detail. You don’t know any background on her, all you know is that her parents are dead. If more of this would have been included, then the viewer would have been more intrigued with her character. Abby didn’t add anything to the film. I think that her involvement in the film was not used to its full potential.
It did not follow the lore.