What is Female Rage? The Female rage trend on TikTok started from a video of Mia Goth in Pearl that went viral, screaming. In the video, Pearl yells, “NO, WHY’RE YOU LEAVING ME IF I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING WRONG? I DON’T UNDERSTAND I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME.”
The viral video soon turned into a viral sound. Many people used the sound and depicted that it was true female rage. Some of these people reflected that in movies female rage is often portrayed as a silent woman brewing maybe even with a tear rolling down her face. But most people found this untrue in most cases.
This kickstarted a broader trend just exploring the ins and outs of true female rage.
One of these is appearance-based. Many videos have been made with the caption “What it is like to experience female rage”. It shows girls hitting their heads with a brush because their hair doesn’t look how they want. Or maybe their makeup isn’t right. Overall they are just frustrated with their appearance.
This isn’t the only thing that leads to frustration or female rage.
Women are often found in many uncomfortable situations throughout their lives. The female rage trend on TikTok seems to cover this aspect of a female’s life as well.
If you are to look up female rage on the app, it will show a variety of videos. There are a handful of videos that show a female taking a video of a man staring at them and making them uncomfortable, or making inappropriate gestures. The majority of the videos are presented with audio of screams and words detailing female rage, this is what it is like to experience female rage, etc.
But this isn’t the only aspect of the term/trend, “female rage”.
Most women reflect that often they aren’t expected to show any form of negative emotion. But in sports, people are more accustomed to seeing people upset or mad. So in female sports, you can see a lot more true female emotion displayed.
Many different athletes have indulged that women get a lot more backlash for this display of emotion. In a tweet posted by Billie Jean, she says, “When a woman is emotional, she’s ‘hysterical’ and she’s penalized for it. When a man does the same, he’s ‘outspoken’ and there are no repercussions”. Many other female athletes have reported this same general idea. They seem to experience a great amount of “female rage” in dealing with these biases in sports.
Female rage is very complex. This new trend of recognizing that complexity has seemed to hit home for many people. But what do you think?