Math is a subject that might not appeal to everyone, but it is a classic staple that students either love or suffer through. However, a certain math teacher at MHS takes a different approach to the tricky math subject. This teacher is Jacob Huebener, he teaches a variety of math including Algebra 1, Pre-calc, and probability and statistics. The classes he teaches might not be fun but he tries his best to make them as simple as possible.
“I’ve taught here for six years and I’ve taught almost every math class throughout the years, it’s been super unique being able to interact with every grade level from freshman to seniors as you get to see students grow up and become responsible,” said Huebener.
Every grade level has its different quirks that differentiate them from the other grade levels. Huebener remarked that it can be more difficult to teach freshmen, but they are more impressionable and he can incorporate new ways of teaching. As he starts a new chapter at a new school next year, he is ready for more new experiences.
“I’ll still be teaching math after I leave MHS it will just be at a high school closer to my family, house, and my wife,” Said Huebener.

Along with teaching and the art of math, Huebener has a special place in his heart for his wife and family which he hopes to connect with more in the new chapter of his life. Even though leaving MHS is a heavy decision, he hopes that it will be the right decision for his family life.
“At the new school, I will be starting out teaching sophomores and Freshmen again, which is going to a switch. But I am excited to see a new group of kids grow up and learn responsibility,” Said Huebener
MHS is a school with its quirks and unique activities, and it can begin to feel like a second home for staff. So switching schools can be difficult, especially connecting with other staff members and getting used to the quirks of a new school.
“I will miss the diversity of activities and students here at MHS, FFA was a big activity you don’t see at other schools as much, and learning about that was a highlight,” Said Huebener.
There are farm schools, staff, urban schools, and so many other factors that make a job and school what it is. Huebener brought humor and many jokes to the classroom to brighten students’ days and motivate them to learn math.
” words of wisdom I would give to my new and past students is just to try new things and not give up, pushing through is so important and I want all my students to keep that advice with them,” Said Huebener
Huebeners jokes and unique personality will be missed at MHS, but everyone at MHS and students hope for the best for this new chapter of his life. Thank you Mr. Huebener for all you did at MHS!