In the long hallways of Muscatine High School, a dedicated junior is taking many hard classes but rocking them. This person is the one and only Arabella Fourneau. Arabella has taken on the responsibility of the copy editor of the school newspaper, excited to ensure every article meets the highest standards.
The school newspaper can prove to hold some heavy responsibilities, especially for one staff junior staff member, Arabella Fourneau as this year’s copy editor. But why did she join in the first place?
“I joined the newspaper because I enjoyed Journalism 1 and knew that I would have a good time with the group of people involved. I also really enjoy writing, so it seemed obvious to do a class all about something I enjoy doing and getting better at it,” said Arabella.
Adding this class to her schedule was just another way to challenge herself and keep her goals set high.
“For newspapers, the goal is about the same as my school goal. As the new copy editor, I hope to have good communication with all of the staff and help us reach our goals. I also want to have more creative stories this year that I post on time”
Arabella said, “For school in general I hope to get a good start on college credits and stay ahead of my work instead of getting behind like I have done before.”
As much as a hard worker Arabella is, she still does other things.
“I play the cello in the school’s symphony orchestra, I am a member of Key Club. I also tend to babysit a lot,” said Arabella.
Beyond school, she enjoys pursuing other interests.

“I like to walk my dog, Finn. I love him so much and he seems so happy when we go for nice long walks either in my neighborhood or at a park. I also just enjoy walking in general, it’s kind of a habit I developed over the summer, especially on a nice day because of how relaxing it can be. I also enjoy playing pickleball with my brother. It’s just nice to have some harmless competitors.”
Not so many people get to know Arabella for who she really is.
In three words, Arabella describes herself as straightforward, internal, and analytical. When sharing these aloud, the other newspaper staff members concurred.
“I think people that do not know me would initially say I seem kinda mean and rude, but they usually take most of it back after they get to know me. I also seem kind of blunt and that just gets worse the more you know me,” said Arabella.
The fact that Arabella got an award for her RBF in 8th grade truly shows how people may perceive her. This face coupled with her being brutally honest from time to time might have made the award well deserved.

Something people do not know about Arabella is her love for watching TV in her free time.
“I don’t usually talk about it too much unless the topic comes up, but I get obsessed with certain TV shows. I watch Grey’s Anatomy and Killing Eve religiously. I will rewatch them forever because I enjoy them so much, but you won’t catch me blabbing about it unless I have to because I know how crazy I seem saying I live and breathe for my comfort shows,” said Arabella.
Almost everyone feels as if they have an animal to resonate with. For Arabella, it’s a cat.
“ I feel like I would be a cat. It seems kind of odd to me, but when I really think about it I feel like they either like you right away or hate you and no matter what they seem to be silently, but still, very obviously, judging you whether they love or hate you and that is me,” said Arabella.
Arabella, like the majority of people, is different in school vs. at home.
“I would say I am closest to my friends. I am a completely different person at school than I am at home because of how comfortable I feel around them,” said Arabella.
As Arabella starts her second year at the school newspaper and her junior year at the high school, it’s clear to everyone who knows her that there’s no one more deserving of this position than Arabella. The newspaper is lucky to have her.