The part of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity.
Economics can be hard and frustrating with its complexity, especially for high school students. Still, it seems to click more when it is taught by professors with more experience, like what Muscatine Community College (MCC) offers with Macro and Micro Economics.
MCC Professor and School Board Vice President John Dabeet teaches a MCC course in Macroeconomics for the Fall semester, and he offers a unique final project to get students involved. This course is offered to full-time MCC students, and dual-enrolled high school students, making it a unique and very beneficial experience
The Final is a “culture fair” where students split into small groups and decide on a country to focus on. Students are required to make a full presentation on the economy, culture, government, etc. But also all of that information on a tri-fold, along with a traditional recipe and dish from the selected country.
This year’s Culture fair took place on December 3rd for Dabeets Fall Macroeconomics class. Several groups of students bring unique dishes from different countries and cultures to share with other students and staff.
“Students get to work in teams to make something unique for people in the community,” said Dabeet.
Student’s hard work paid off as the student center of MCC was filled to the brim with delicious cultural dishes from around the world.
“It was actually a really fun final and a break from the stress, made me feel better about my college classes,” said Kristin Wadden, a Macroeconomics student.
Lots of MCC students and staff made a effort to stop by and trying the students dishes and ask them questions about their country and assignment.
MCC is not the highschool, but its heartwarming to see the effort the professors make to educate highschoolers, and help them succeed with interactive projects like the culture fair.