Liv Garcia, a junior here at MHS, is an amazing person with an amazing style. Along with a huge change in style! She roams the MHS hallways In some of the cutest outfits In the school! Let’s learn about Liv’s creative process, and how she forms an outfit!
- How would you describe your style?
“To be honest, I don’t have a clue. I try to go for something simple but I usually tend to wear a LOT of baggy clothing. Mainly baggy jeans, or loose-fitting shirts. I always like to put on my black zip-up jacket to top up my outfit. It’s just my go-to add-on. But my main combo is a pretty tight shirt and a baggy jeans combo.”Said Liv.
- What’s your favorite piece to switch around in your outfits?

“Like I said I usually always wear my black jacket with EVERYTHING I wear, and that’s not an exaggeration. It’s very rare to find me without it.”Said Liv.
- What’s your general color palette?
“Neutral colors mainly, I just like staying to a very monotone/sandwich pattern with my outfits. When I choose to wear more colorful outfits, it’s more muted. I don’t like going all out and putting myself in very bright colors.” Said Liv.
- Is there any inspiration for your outfits?
“A lot of my outfits are inspired by different people on TikTok, and a lot of stuff on Pinterest too. If I see something cool on a video/post and there’s a link to buy it, best bet I’m already buying it.” Said Liv.
- What’s your process for making an outfit?
“It depends on what type of mood I’m in really, and how early I wake up. Usually, when I wake up early and am in a good mood I’ll do my hair, and makeup, and find clothes that I think coordinate well together. I’ll see if any accessories match the outfit.” Said Liv.
“When I wake up late, I just throw on clothes that I think look decent enough. I’m not the type to wear PJs to school. No offense to anyone who does, but I just think it makes me look weird.” Said Liv.
- What are some of your favorite places to shop for clothes?
“I find a lot of inspiration online, and sometimes I’ll buy stuff on TikTok Shop, Amazon, etc. Or I’ll go to stores like Target. I also really like second-hand shopping, but it’s always a hit or miss, you never know if there will be some good stuff, or it’s all completely garbage.” Said Liv.
- What were your older styles like? And how did you grow out of them?
“Um… If any of you remember anything about me in middle school, I used to wear a lot of anime and plaid shirts. I slowly transitioned out of it in Freshman year because I thought it was super cringy. But I still wear those shirts to bed with no shame.” Said Liv.