If you ever find yourself at a Muscatine basketball game, you might hear two distinct voices rising above the crowd in the student section. That would be juniors Cal Hollenbaugh and Eric Romo, two die-hard Muskies fans who have made it their mission to be the loudest and most passionate supporters in the stands.
“It really started because we wanted more people to come to the games in the Van Hecke Center when we were freshmen,” said Eric, “Cal decided to create an Instagram account, it was just something to get people to go, and they liked it.”
Despite their impressive knowledge of nearly every player in the Mississippi Athletic Conference (MAC), Cal and Eric insist they aren’t doing extra research. Their familiarity with athletes from other sports naturally carries over into basketball season, giving them an edge when it comes to knowing the competition.
“No. Absolutely not.” Cal exclaims, “I just know a lot of people in the MAC from other sports so then I know more about them come basketball season.”
Eric and Cal make it their mission to attend as many basketball games as they can. This year, there were many exciting ones, but nothing beats a home game on a Friday night in the MHS Fieldhouse.
“The North Scott game at home was probably the best,” Cal said, “We got to talk a lot of trash and we had no idea that we would be that good, so they were not expecting it,” Eric added.
Though they aren’t the official student section leaders, Cal and Eric don’t shy away from taking charge. They love starting chants, even if it occasionally steps on the toes of those in charge.
“Sometimes we start chants which they are not too happy with, but it is at the perfect time,” Said Eric, “We don’t know what they say because we can’t hear much.”
They try not to cause too much trouble, but on occasion (every game) it happens. But they do not let it stop them.
“We have probably gotten a warning from every AD (athletic director) at this point,” said Cal, “But we haven’t gotten kicked out.”
As they look ahead to their senior year, Eric and Cal have no plans of quieting down. They hope to continue leading the charge in the student section and encouraging more students to show up and support Muscatine athletics.