In the daily news for MHS announcements, “silver cord opportunities” is always one of the topics, but many students skip past it because they aren’t familiar with it, so what is it and why is it important?
Years ago Robert Weaton, a former Principal of Muscatine High School introduced Silver Cord hours to MHS. The goal permitted by Silver Cord is to get students to give back to their community by doing volunteer work. The counselors of each grade work together to provide students with Silver Cord opportunities to earn their hours.
Sophomore Counselor, Mr. Mauck States, “I love Silver Cord, because it forces you to do something that’s not just for you. It makes you think about somebody besides yourself.”
A majority of students give their time through Church, Key club, Spark program, and helping in classrooms. The meaning of the silver cord “hours” is just how many hours a student spends giving back to the community. By the time that students graduate it is required that they have a total of 160 hours.
Aside from being beneficial by giving back to the community, Silver Cord hours are heavily recommended for scholarships. The reason this can be put on College resumes is because it gives the appeal that the applicant is a well rounded and organized person.
Senior counselor, Mr. Kulland gave the example of, “It also distinguishes the difference between “you and me” if you are applying for the same scholarship or the same college. What would be the difference? What if I put in 120 volunteer hours and you did nothing? I would look different.”
During graduation students wear their cords to symbolize the accomplishments that they have made. Students involved with Silver Cord get recognized for the time that they have spent during their High School Career dedicated to helping within the community.
The Importance of the Benefits and advantages that comes along with “Silver Cord opportunities” is what Muscatine High School is trying to advocate to students.