TikTok is THE app of the century. Many teenagers and young adults use this app to make content for fun or even for a job. Recently though, there has been speculation about the app coming to an end.
The ban was put in to avoid potential user data collection and it was thought to have a connection to the People’s Republic of China. However, the CEO of TIktok, Shou Zi Chew, has been reassuring that as a citizen of Singapore, he would not be in contact with the People’s Republic of China. Instead, he has simply stated that his app follows the necessary laws.
Many users on the platform have tried fighting the ban, saying that it goes against their rights and that their user data is, in fact, not at risk. There has also been talk of new CEOs for TikTok so that way the app would be regulated and owned by the United States. People such as Mr. Beast, Elon Musk, and Mr. Zuckerberg have been involved in the conversation.
CNN reported that Mr. Beast, whose real name is Jimmy Donaldson, posted, “Okay, fine. I’ll buy TikTok so it doesn’t get banned” on X on January 13th.
While his tone was joking, Donaldson – the single most popular YouTuber and the third-most-popular Tik Toker – “was serious,” his lawyer told CNN Tuesday.
The current CEO of TikTok, Mr. Chew has changed his social media bio from CEO of TikTok to just TikTok, whereas Mr. Beast’s bio says “CEO of TikTok?”
Although the ban lasted almost a day, President Donald Trump told the media that he is actively fighting for the app to stay available in the United States. He extended the decision date for deciding the app’s fate, the reason for the app still being available to users currently.
When asked about his change of heart from 2020 when he attempted to ban tik tok the first time, he said, “Because I got to use it.”
During most of the election, TikTok was the platform often used to push one agenda or another. Both candidates used it to promote themselves and their campaigns. Because TikTok had a use for them during a trial against one another, they now find it useful and politicians no longer have the incentive that it is dangerous and want to keep the platform alive.
However, some people feel as though the absence of TikTok will help make them focus more on school work.
“Realistically, it would have been the best thing for me,” said senior Hunter Holmes.
Senior Cade Daufeldt agreed, “I spend an hour a day on it so it could have been used for something else more valuable.”
There was a large percentage of people who were not aware that a ban took place as other social media apps are still popular among teenagers.
“We aren’t addicted to social media; we have Instagram and Facebook reels. We did not know that TikTok was even banned for that short time,” said seniors Chale Lewis, Kyle Rickett, and Connor Eads.
On the other hand, TikTok was an addictive app to some people. Lots of students would recount going to TikTok whenever they were bored or just to distract themselves, even continuing to click on the app after the ban took place.
“I was a little sad, but since it said it was temporary, I figured it would come back but not that fast. I also kept reopening the app because I was so used to always being on it. I kept forgetting it was banned,” said senior Alesi Mendez.
Before the ban, many users on TikTok would post videos of them crying, explaining how much they would miss the app and the platform they created for themselves. But another percentage of users on the app said it really did not matter. After all, there are different social media platforms.
“I thought it was stupid. For only a couple of hours, everyone was crashing out. It was embarrassing. It was not that serious,” said sophomore Lily Sanchez.
Sophomore Brendan Holladay said, “I think it was silly, I don’t know why TikTok is such a big deal. And there’s other stuff that the government could focus on.”
What did you think of the ban? Is TikTok really worth fighting for? Let us know in the comments below and tell us about your experience.