As a high school student, caffeine is my absolute best friend, whether I’m staying up late to write an essay or in the morning to get me through the day. Many kinds of energy drinks are on the market, including Celsius, Prime, Monster, Rockstar, and more. But my personal favorite has always been Alani Nutrition energy drinks, despite my one-month break from them due to fear of too much caffeine.
Throughout the past year, I have had an ongoing note on my phone of my favorite Alani flavors ranging from Winter Wonderland to Strawberry Sunrise. Here are my rankings!
10. Orange Kiss
This drink tastes like a carbonated orange Hi-C from McDonald’s, and I love it. It is the most orange-tasting Alani. While it is still number 10, it is the Alani that I could probably drink in about 5 minutes.
9. Watermelon Wave
I enjoy Alani’s simple flavors. At first, I wasn’t a fan of the watermelon Alani, but it tasted much better once it was revamped in collaboration with Megan Moroney. This one is in my top ten but it is not one that I am reaching for every day.
8. Kimade
This one made the top ten, and I have only had a sip once. Everyone loves it and I could not help but join the trend. It is a pink lemonade flavor, every flavor is better carbonated. I am just waiting until the day that Walmart or Hyvee puts this back on their shelves.
7. Blue Slush
I am a big fan of blue raspberry flavors, this Alani tastes very similar to the breezeberry flavor but a little less sour. Which I am not a big fan of. I honestly prefer the Celsius blue raspberry drink over this one, but it is still a good one.
6. Cosmic Stardust
I adore this flavor, while it tastes like grape, it is not a solely grape flavor. I taste other berry aspects in it too. Many people do compare it to grape cough medicine, but I would not agree with that because it is not completely a grape drink.
5. Winter Wonderland
It is a Christmas flavor but has a much more tropical taste, with a lot of coconut and some berry hints. I think it tastes like the mystery-flavored Airhead, it is a true shame that this flavor was only on the shelf for a few months. I am hoping they bring it back next year!
4. Pink Slush
This full pink can match my ideal aesthetic perfectly, the flavor is a mix of strawberry and normal berries. Many say that the berry pop flavor tastes very similar to the pink slush. It made it into my top four just because I am always in the mood for the sweetness of this Alani.
3. Strawberry Sunrise
The different cans make me want to drink Alani more than any other energy drink, this can has pink and orange colors, and tastes like strawberries and oranges. I say that it tastes like they mixed the Orange Kiss and Pink Slush. It is not a flavor I expected from Alani Nu, but after only having it once, it made my top three.
2. Hawaiian Shaved Ice
After this flavor was revamped, it is sweeter than the original and it is one of my favorites. But it did not get my top spot, because sometimes it is too sweet for me. This flavor is still one of my go-to.
1. Cherry Twist
The cherry twist Alani is cherry limeade-flavored heaven. This is my favorite Alani and never misses, it is the perfect balance of sweetness and tartness. Making it my favorite Alani Nu flavor on the market.
Whether you’re a fan of fruity blends like Strawberry Sunrise or nostalgic twists like Blue Slush, there’s an Alani flavor for everyone. As new seasonal flavors continue to be released, my rankings may evolve, but for now, Cherry Twist holds its well-deserved crown. No matter which flavor I reach for, one thing is certain—Alani Nu will always have a place in my caffeine-fueled routine.