Burgers are a staple food in modern day America, with several restaurants campaigning solely off of their own version of “the best burger”. A burger is commonly known as a ground beef patty settled on top of a wheat flour bun, topped with various vegetables and sauces. With this meal being wildly adored through the U.S., chain companies have started to make alternative versions of the burger accommodating peoples dietary restrictions and choices.
One of the most popular variations is “The Impossible Whopper” from the fast food chain Burger King. This burger serves as a meatless version of Burger Kings staple “Whopper” to give people the same iconic taste but with no actual meat. As someone who has enjoyed a burger from Burger King from time to time, this meatless variation piqued my interest. So I decided I would try the burger myself along with the original to see if I believe it is a good alternative for people who don’t eat meat, or don’t like the taste.

When I went to Burger King I ordered my go-to meal of an original whopper with cheese, and only pickles and ketchup. Then the same meal with an impossible burger patty. My thoughts on the original meat whopper were that it tasted like a classic burger with a nice flame broiled taste from the meat itself, the sesame seed bun complemented the smoky meat flavor nicely as well. Although this is not my first time trying this meal, I was still pleasantly surprised by the flavor and the fresh taste.
After I tried the original burger, I tried the meatless version with the meatless burger patty. My initial thoughts once I unwrapped the burger, was that they looked very similar! The only noticeable difference was that the meatless patty seemed to be a little bit more circular and uniform than the meat version. After I took the first bite, I was pleasantly surprised! The meatless patty also had the flame broiled taste, and the smoky flavor. The only distinct difference I could find between the two was the consistency. The Impossible patty seemed to be a little softer than the meat version. But the taste was still on point and had the classic burger feel to it.

Overall, I love that chain restaurants are becoming more and more inclusive to people with different dietary needs and choices. Although I still personally prefer the meat version of Burger Kings famous Whopper. I think that this is a great alternative for people who don’t eat meat! I appreciate that the choice to have a meatless burger is there, and that it still has the iconic burger taste.
Tried the Impossible whopper? Let me know if you prefer it to the original in the poll below.
Mrs. Keitel • Oct 16, 2023 at 9:52 am
Thanks for the good article, Addie! I don’t remember if I’ve tried it. If I did, it was probably back when they first came out. Like you, I prefer the original Whopper (with onion rings on the side), but glad there are alternatives for those who want it.