Matthew Spies is a well-known Junior at Muscatine High School, the activities that he participates in puts his face all around the school. He is a friendly, happy guy that has a horse.
Matthew does several extracurricular activities that most people can’t handle.
“I do Marching band, jazz band, show choir band, on and off with soccer,” Matthew said.
Marching band roles can range from color guard to marchers or a section leader.

“Marching band is a lot of responsibility, especially in the leadership position. For marching band, I am a drum major. First glance for me is just waving my arms around. You gotta hype up the marchers, the people you’re leading. I went to a camp for it and a lot of the stuff I learned is you got to put in 200 percent to get 100 put out. I’m a moral support as well for everyone, checking up on them. If the band is happy, I’m happy,” said Matthew.

Matthew’s schedule does not stop there, but the others are a bit more calmer for Matthew.
“For jazz bands, it is a lot easier, it is freer, not many responsibilities, and I have time to relax and enjoy it. Show choir is interesting. I’m in the back playing for the dancers, it’s a bit more stressful you have to keep a good tempo,” Matthew said.
“And for soccer, I was a goalie. I love playing there. When I was little they called me the human shield,” Matthew said.
Not only does he have a heavy schedule at school, but at home as well.
“My sister when she was younger got really into horses, and eventually later on we got a horse. But then she went on to college so now I am taking care of the horse. It’s a boy his name is CB (he’s just a big sweetie),
“And cows: I had two, one went off to a farm over the hill or something like that… greener pastures. Now I just have a little baby, he has puppy energy. I can’t name him or I will get attached,” said Matthew, “and chickens: That is my mom all right there, she thought it would be a great idea to get chickens. I don’t like my mother’s chickens. One time they ganged up on each other and tried taking off another chicken’s leg. I came as that little chicken’s rescue.”
Matthew is an amazing student who does so much for the school and those around him. When he walks into a room, it lights up. He truly is the guy of your dreams.