MHS Key Club is a volunteer organization that participates in service around the community. There are many annual volunteer opportunities that are staples to the club. Trick or Treat for UNICEF is an event that key clubbers at MHS have partaken in for many years.
Trick or Treat for UNICEF is a huge event that exists worldwide. The program historically involves the distribution of small orange boxes to trick-or-treaters, in which they can solicit small change donations in place of candy from the houses they visit.
The money collected is then donated to UNICEF. The outside of the donation box reads, “A newborn dies every 11 minutes from tetanus. Nearly 100 million women in more than 15 countries need our help. Your donation can protect a woman and her future newborns from this painful disease. Funds raised will support The Eliminate Project.”
Although many organizations participate in Trick or Treat for UNICEF, Key Club specifically, has found ways to make the money collection process a little more fun. That way we’re raising money for a good cause while also being involved in a friendly competition in which we could win a prize. In the past years, key clubbers have won candy, gift cards, and more for raising the most money.

This year, along with the whole club competition, my friend and I decided to create a bet of our own. The winner gets to choose any restaurant to eat at, and the loser has to pay the bill. After three weeks of collecting donations, unfortunately, Jaela beat me with a total of $72.71. She completely filled three boxes full of change.
“I knew I was going to win all along. It didn’t come as a shock. I would like to thank my friend Tony for helping me raise the money. I can’t wait for my paid dinner at Panera!” said Jaela Staker, sarcastically.
All in all, Trick or Treat for UNICEF is one of our club’s favorites. It always feels nice to donate to people in need, but throwing a fun twist on it makes it an even better experience. The winner for the whole club competition will be revealed later this week after Halloween. Check in with the Muscatine Key Club’s Instagram for a winner reveal!