You’ve probably heard people talking about Mr. Muscatine, but if you’ve never attended you probably aren’t quite sure of what it is. Mr Muscatine is a fundraising pageant for MHS’s Senior boys, where all of the proceeds go to MCSA.
This year’s competitors are Cesar Garrido Hernandez, Dayton Truesdale, Lincoln Brookhart, Gavin Brookhart, and Aadon Layne.

Despite most of the contestants not watching last year’s Mr. Muscatine, they were all still very excited to participate this year.
The competition had a rather lively start with a group dance. Dayton Truesdale stated, “[The dance is] just fun, we choreographed some of it… I think it’s funny, I like it.”
The guys gave a fantastic performance to Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off.
Next up was karaoke, from Somewhere Over the Rainbow to Baby by Justin Bieber, there was a musical myriad from our participants.
Speed dating is the third portion of the competition as well as the portion that Gavin Brookhart was most looking forward to as he was rather confident in his skills.
He proclaimed, “I think my rizz is unbeatable and no one can match it.”
One of the funniest categories was the silly swimwear portion. Participants were instructed to show off their creative side by wearing their favorite swimwear. Silliness was entirely encouraged. The guys brought pool floaties, pool noodles, and even scuba gear on stage.
Perhaps the most impressive part of the pageant was the talent section. From piano to a choreographed fight, the audience was kept on their toes the entire time. Cesar Garrido Hernandez even received a standing ovation for playing the intro of Kanye West’s hit, Runaway, on the piano.
While all of the contestants gave absolutely wonderful performances, the title Mr. Muscatine was awarded to Cesar Garrido Hernandez.
Prior to the competition, when asked why he should win Cesar responded, “People should vote for me because I’m friendly, swagalicious, and I can do a backflip.”
Surely his swag and friendliness played a part in his win and contributions to how fun the entire pageant is.
Mr. Muscatine is a truly wonderful combination of important fundraising and a fun time for students as we get into these winter months!