All too often while I walk through the halls of Muscatine High School, I see an absolutely gorgeous goddess of a girl but then BOOM. An immediate jumpscare! And that jumpscare is a boy who sort of seems like a goblin who has snuck onto the Earth holding a goddess’s hand. Now don’t think this will necessarily be about the guy’s looks, because that’s simply not the case. Think more of the spirit of a weird grimy little goblin. After all, what makes a person truly beautiful is who they are inside.
There are so many cases where intelligent, kind, and hardworking girls settle for a boy who is none of those things. In other words, they settle for bums. Today we’ll explore the reasoning as to why this “Goddess Goblin Phenomenon” occurs.
As soon as girls are old enough to consume media, we are told that love is the ultimate achievement. If we are in love, there is nothing else we need. When you are constantly told that love is what you need, love is what you seek. Oftentimes teenage girls will settle for a relationship they know isn’t good for them, but it seems better than being alone. So many girls are too quick to dismiss things they know are red flags because they fear loneliness so much.

When consulting with AP Psychology teacher, Mr. Oz, he believes that home life also plays a part in this phenomenon.
Oz stated “Girls who experience trauma, especially from a father figure, tend to go after guys who resemble their father. That’s just basic psychology. It’s probably because of the mere exposure effect, among other things. But essentially they’re trying to come to terms with what their father is like, that’s what they know of what a guy is supposed to be. So they continue to go after guys that resemble men in their lives who have not been good to them.”
Oz has also notices noticed that many female students vent to him about their less-than-mediocre boyfriends. These are hardworking, intelligent, and kind girls who are dating unemployed, rude, guys who make their girlfriends pay for everything. In other words, so many amazing girls are dating bums.
Another aspect that keeps these girls in their bad relationships is their inexperience. For a lot of their high schoolers the person they’re dating is their first love. Love legitimately changes the chemicals in your brain, this is a fact backed by Harvard studies. Love causes rushes of oxytocin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Being in love for the first time can legitimately feel like a high, a person’s first love hits them especially hard because they’ve never experienced this sort of chemical surge. As corny as it sounds, love actually can be an addiction.
All of this to say if you are a goddess dating a goblin or maybe you know a goddess dating a goblin, WAKE UP AND BREAK UP. Or just ensure that he genuinely improves himself as a person. Don’t settle for less than what you know you are worth. You’ll be alright without him, honestly you’ll probably be better.