Imagine getting home from teaching a full day of high school students, and as you open the door you are greeted by the loving faces of your children, soulmate, and orange cat. This is a typical night for Muscatine High School’s Newspaper/Yearbook/ and Journalism teacher Alexandra Rauenbuehler. As a teacher she comes off calm, with a drive for success. But how does she feel about herself?

“I feel like if I was an animal I would be a domesticated lion, not an actual wild one but I always was drawn to be a leader growing up, and I enjoy relaxing and leading my classes,” Said Rauenbuehler.
Rauenbuehler is a teacher who is well known for her relaxing classroom and comfortable and open vibe, but what people don’t know is the passion she has for her electives and home life.
“ I don’t know if it’s my personality but I am such a homebody, there’s nothing better than just staying in and watching a movie with my husband, we are literally soulmates,” Said Rauenbuehler
The newspaper and yearbook classes have become a staple at MHS because of Rauenbuehler’s hard work and advisory. But how did she lead the classes to where they are today?
“I had never really envisioned teaching yearbook, let alone newspaper, but when I was approached about the job, I was way more interested in the yearbook portion,” Said Rauenbuehler.
Although the beginning of MHS’s newspaper program “The Auroran Today” was mostly trial and error. Under the leadership of Rauenbuehler and the ever-growing staff, the program is being shaped into a flourishing piece of journalism for which Rauenbuehler gets credit.
“I have to admit the school newspaper was definitely on the backburner before it got its own class period. But now that I get to build individual rapport and see all the staff interact. I’m looking forward to seeing what they create and build the program into,”said Rauenbuehler.
But Rauenbuehler does way more than run the school newspaper at MHS. She also runs the now individualized class period for the school yearbook “The MHS Auroran”. The MHS Auroran staff works all year to collaborate and create a school yearbook full of memories for people to hold on to.

“Yearbook is a really unique class and I feel like everyone in it has a similar personality so they mesh really well. It is just really cool to see all their work pay off in the end,” said Rauenbuehler.
Just when you think all her classes are over, she just takes on more and more, which speaks to her homey-loving character. Along with the Newspaper and Yearbook electives she teaches the prerequisite which is called Journalism 1.
“Journalism 1 is so much fun, it’s always so relevant and the kids really absorb the content especially because I have way more freedom than a normal english curriculum class. It’s just great to see the organic learning that class creates,”said Rauenbuehler.
But again, that’s not where it ends. The last class Rauenbuehler has in her toolbox of knowledge is called AP Seminar. AP Seminar is an Advanced Placement class that specializes in research and important knowledge for later in life careers and decisions.
“I love the research portion of AP Seminar, kids really find themselves in that portion and I just absolutely love teaching it and watching it pay off,” Said Rauenbuehler.
But everyone needs to take a break once and a while, and home is where she flourishes the most. She loves to spend time with her 4-year-old son Henry, 2-year-old daughter Edith, husband of 7 years Luke, and her orange cat Ned. Rauenbuehler is also expecting her third child in November, getting her closer to her goal of a large loving family.

“I love spending time with my kids and just relaxing on my porch like an old lady. I just love a good coffee and a book to read on the porch,”said Rauenbuehler.
Rauenbuehler is someone who is content in life and soaks in every moment, while using her leadership skills to better the education of so many. We are so lucky to have her here at MHS and leading our newspaper program, as she is someone so many can learn from.