Faculty Farwell: Kathy Danner

Alexandria Galloway, Writer

With the 2022-2023 school year coming to an end that unfortunately means there are MHS staff members that we will have to say farewell to. One of them is FCS (Family Consumer Science)  teacher Mrs. Danner. 

“There came a time in my life when I wanted more education and considered many options before deciding on teaching.  With great support from my family, I entered college and put forth my best effort and was very happy to achieve my education goals,” said Mrs. Danner.  

After being a stay at home mom, Danner attended Iowa Wesleyan College to study Elementary Education, with endorsements in Reading and Social Studies. After subbing in various classrooms in the community, Danner became a Family and Consumer Science teacher at the High School in 2005. Since then, Danner has taught various classes including Clothing, Housing, Child Development, and Culinary Arts. 

Danner says that she still has many connections with her fellow colleagues and students. The thing she will miss the most about her direct involvement with education is the students and their distinct personalities. 

“It is so awesome to see past students when I am out and about and see how they have matured and the success they are having in their own life.”

Her career in education has changed the way in which she views the world and hopes that this will continue. Hopefully, it has kept my mind challenged so I don’t lose it as I get older!

“I believe working with so many different personalities has made me more tolerant of  the differences in people and cultures that I did not have contact with before.” If Mrs. Danner would go back in time she said she wouldn’t change a thing. One thing she wants to tell future and educators now is that students have creative minds, listen to them, also to roll with the punches and remember the good times.