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  • Weekly news :
  • The FFA Banquet is March 6th at the Ag Center
  • Boys track parent meeting on March 6
  • Orchestra Concert will be held on March 6 @7PM in the Auditorium

The Auroran Today

The Student News Site of Muscatine High School

The Auroran Today

The Auroran Today

Albums That Got Me Through High School

Albums That Got Me Through High School

Charley Pierce, Web Designer April 30, 2024

As my senior year comes to a close I was reflecting on how I have grown and changed as a person. And thinking about how in my 18 years of life I have listened to lots of music. I am proud to say I have...

A Hidden Gem: Ms. Kathy

A Hidden Gem: Ms. Kathy

Charley Pierce, Web Designer March 28, 2024

Sometimes having just that one dreadful class that you would rather do anything but go to, can feel like a personal war. But having a teacher you can look forward to seeing, can make the school day a little...

Love in Lyrics: a Valentines Playlist

Love in Lyrics: a Valentines Playlist

Charley Pierce, Web Designer February 14, 2024

Valentine's day can bring up a lot of emotions. For some people it is a day where they get to show their love to someone very important to them. For others, it is a traumatic day that they would rather...

Lidia Menjivar and Mady Leza, 12

What’s up with iJAG?

December 1, 2023

Is It Glorification?

Is It Glorification?

Charley Pierce, Web Designer October 30, 2023

 glo·ri·fi·ca·tion /ˌɡlôrəfəˈkāSH(ə)n/ 1. the action of describing or representing something as admirable, especially unjustifiably. "I...

Maya: The Magnificent

Maya: The Magnificent

Charley Pierce, Web Designer September 11, 2023

Being a freshman can be hard, for many reasons. You have to take the freshman-required classes, still getting used to how high school works, learning all the hallway etiquette, etc. Not being a freshman...

Faculty Farewell: Mr. Ryan

Faculty Farewell: Mr. Ryan

Charley Pierce, Web Designer May 25, 2023

As the end of our school year approaches, many are getting ready to say goodbye to one another. Saying goodbye to someone who has had a big influence on you can make the water works start for anyone.  “Sometimes...

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