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The Student News Site of Muscatine High School

The Auroran Today

The Auroran Today

Mr. Guerra: The Senior Whisperer

Mr. Guerra: The Senior Whisperer

Maya Simpson, Opinion Editor May 23, 2024

Many teachers shy away from teaching older kids like seniors but here at MHS Mr. Guerra is an Anomaly. Mr. Guerra is an English teacher here at MHS and has been for many years. He is the current head of...

Behind the Scenes of Newspaper

Behind the Scenes of Newspaper

Maya Simpson, Opinion Editor May 21, 2024

Is it a Normal Class? Newspaper is not like many other classes as it has a more flexible structure.  Charley Pierce, a senior at MHS said, “Newspaper is very much like a working environment, in...

Senior Saga: Navigating Graduation and Senioritis

Senior Saga: Navigating Graduation and Senioritis

Maya Simpson, Opinion Editor April 24, 2024

Graduating high school is a milestone, something that every student works towards for four years of their life. When graduation hits though, it's bittersweet with a side of exhaustion and extra tasks.  Lars...

Senior Survivor: Team Grace & Trey

Senior Survivor: Team Grace & Trey

Maya Simpson, Opinion Section Editor March 9, 2024

Seniors, Grace Miller and Trey Ulses were partners for this year's annual Senior Survivor.  To participate in Senior Survivor, teams must raise as much money for their charity as possible. This year...

Caitlin Clark: The World Renowned College Legacy

Caitlin Clark: The World Renowned College Legacy

Maya Simpson, Opinion Editor March 1, 2024

“Do I need to call you the female version of Steph Curry, or do I need to call Steph Curry the male version of Caitlin Clark?,” said Stephen A. Smith in an interview with Caitlin Clark. You have...

Female Rage

Female Rage

Maya Simpson, Opinion Editor February 1, 2024

What is Female Rage? The Female rage trend on TikTok started from a video of Mia Goth in Pearl that went viral, screaming. In the video, Pearl yells, “NO, WHY’RE YOU LEAVING ME IF I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING...

Best Bathrooms at MHS

Best Bathrooms at MHS

Maya Simpson, Opinion Editor November 29, 2023

Lunch Bathroom - don't look in the mirror  The lunch bathrooms are not the best. They are obviously used mostly during lunch, but oddly enough not to use the restroom. It sometimes seems more like a...

The Truth Behind Thanksgiving

The Truth Behind Thanksgiving

Maya Simpson, Opinion Editor November 29, 2023

Thanksgiving is a very popular holiday that typically happens on the last Thursday in November every year. Thanksgiving dates back to when Americans or the pilgrims first traveled to North America. Most...

Is Breakfast Essential?

Is Breakfast Essential?

Maya Simpson, Opinion Editor October 31, 2023

If you asked students at MHS if they ate breakfast, most of them would say no. But why is that? Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is what you eat right after you wake up, and It is often called...

Ray and Roy: The Duo of the Century

Maya Simpson, Opinion Editor October 31, 2023

Everyone needs someone to lean on and laugh with, a best friend. Best friends help you get through tough days and just have a good time. An example of best friends at MHS are sophomores Giavanna (also...

Quizlet + is not a plus

Quizlet + is not a plus

Maya Simpson, Opinion Editor September 18, 2023

Over the first couple of weeks, school students have been noticing some changes. One of them being the new changes to Quizlet. Quizlet is an online studying tool that allows you to make flashcards and...

Charley Pierce: Empowered by work, music, and her dragon

Charley Pierce: Empowered by work, music, and her dragon

Maya Simpson, Opinion Editor September 7, 2023

The definition of empowerment is "the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights." Charley is empowered by many things that make her...

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