The Mighty Muskie Marching Band holds its annual home marching band competition on October 12th, 2024. Twenty bands from across Iowa will compete at Muscatine Stadium.
MHS’s Mighty Muskie Marching Band will perform their exhibition at 10:45 p.m. Since this is Muscatine’s home competition, our band will not be competing; however, they will still showcase their show. The band is led by head director Jeff Heid and associate director John O’Shaughnessy. The show is conducted by drum majors Matthew Spies, Kenzie Wilks, Vania Marmol, and Maya Simpson.
“The Muskie Marching Invitational is a vital event for our program as it helps raise essential funds that benefit the entire band,” said Drum Major Matthew Spies.
This weekend is one of the most important for the marching band. Their last competition was a Bands of America event in Waukee. Fundraisers like the invitational and the MHS Bands’ annual nut fundraiser provide the necessary support for attending such competitions.
“Not only does it provide financial support,” Matthew said, “But it also gives us the unique opportunity to witness outstanding performances from a variety of talented bands right on our own field.”

This year, the Marching Band’s show theme is “Corpse Bride.” They perform at halftime during every home football game as well as at their various competitions. Many students enjoy both the music and the props, particularly the tombstones with names of those associated with MHS and the band in particular.
“My favorite part about our invitational is the community spirit,” said Vania. “Bringing together schools and communities to celebrate music and performance is incredibly rewarding and memorable.”
“You’ll be blown away by the creativity and dedication of all the bands that will perform,” said drum major Vania Marmol. “Each participating band brings something unique to the table, making for a day full of diverse and captivating performances. The energy and enthusiasm at our invitational are contagious, making it fun and a memorable experience for everyone!”
The Mighty Muskie Marching Band hopes to see you at MHS Stadium this Saturday, October 12th, to watch 20 bands perform amazing shows with the first band starting their performance at 4:45 p.m.
Mrs. Keitel • Oct 31, 2024 at 2:55 pm
Thanks for the article, Emma! Well done! I’m sure holding an invitational requires lots of planning and help from volunteers, I hope the invitational was a success and the band raised lots of money.