Everyone has different passions. Here at MHS Luis Padilla has one that is especially different. Some know him as Luis, but others know him as 5starr.Lui, the rapper. Rap is good music and 5starr intends on continuing to make it, for his audience and even for himself.
5starr started his rap career with no intentions of taking it seriously, but he realized he could actually do something with it which made him take it to the next level. Not only is he serious about this, but he is more serious than some of the other rappers at MHS.
“I take rapping more seriously because there aren’t many other rappers in the school, so there isn’t really any competition. I can make money off of this too,” said 5starr.
Hate can be hard to deal with especially when you attend high school. Though you have to look out for the trolls, 5starr said he doesn’t care for the haters either, and he does what he wants to do whether people like it or not.
Though there can be haters, 5starr also has a lot of supporters, a few of them being his family. His parents are very supportive and as long as he is trying and it is something that he wants, they aren’t opposed to it. Even his youngest brother loves it.
“He listens to my music every day after school. He even made me take pictures of him one time in an outfit that he said he looked like me in,” said 5starr.

Along with the support of his family, many of the students here really like his music too. One of his best songs, according to many people at MHS, is a recent track called, “How He Did That.” How He Did That also has the most streams on Spotify currently.
“Personally I think that’s his best song. It is very catchy and it’s something you listen to on a drive and it gets stuck in your head. The lyrics are just well put together,” said Kaitlyn Ford, a student at MHS.
Like many other music artists, 5starr has his manager, JMJ. He says things between them are usually content and there isn’t a lot of conflict, but there can be some bickering with them every now and then. Sometimes they just don’t agree on the same things.
“That’s really just how business is, it’s not always going to be smooth sailing,” said 5starr.
Using creativity doesn’t always come easy but by looking at the things around him, how he grew up, and his perspective and how it’s different from others on certain things, he finds a way to create his music in a much swifter way.
Everybody go stream 5starr.Lui’s music on Apple Music, Spotify, SoundCloud, and more! Stay tuned for his newest song, “Up 10.”