As my senior year comes to a close I was reflecting on how I have grown and changed as a person. And thinking about how in my 18 years of life I have listened to lots of music. I am proud to say I have...
Sometimes having just that one dreadful class that you would rather do anything but go to, can feel like a personal war. But having a teacher you can look forward to seeing, can make the school day a little...
Valentine's day can bring up a lot of emotions. For some people it is a day where they get to show their love to someone very important to them. For others, it is a traumatic day that they would rather...
Being a freshman can be hard, for many reasons. You have to take the freshman-required classes, still getting used to how high school works, learning all the hallway etiquette, etc. Not being a freshman...
As the end of our school year approaches, many are getting ready to say goodbye to one another. Saying goodbye to someone who has had a big influence on you can make the water works start for anyone.