“I did not choose the sassy man apocalypse, it chose me” – Izzi Aranda, Junior.
TikTok has a variety of trends going around, that made their way into conversations with users of the app. One interesting trend that people have been discussing is the Sassy Man Apocalypse. A Junior couple, Suhailey Romo and Izzi Aranda, shared some personal experiences with this trend.
“The sassy man apocalypse is a real thing. I feel like sometimes men just get this random attitude that makes them think they are in charge. They think that they’re the boss of the relationship, but they’re not,” said Suhailey.
Izzi seems to have a different view on it. Though some can view it as a problem, others love returning the energy they are receiving.
“I think it’s funny. A lot of guys are starting to stick out a little more, and it gives personality,” said Izzi.
But, the question everyone is thinking… who’s more sassy between the two of them?
“I don’t think he is more sassy than me though. I put him in his place. When he tries to be sassy I shut it down,” said Suhailey.
Izzi snapped back with a comment right away, “If I get attitude from her, then I am going to give some back. All I am doing is returning the energy. There’s never enough sassiness.”
This specific trend can be seen all around the school. With the constant eye-rolls and dramatized conversations. Two Seniors tend to stand out when it comes to this. Seniors Amaya Wagner and Anthony Ash.
“I think this trend is a good breakthrough for guys, and it’s something new to do,” said Anthony.
Amaya added, “I just think it’s funny, but he is 100% sassier than me. He loves to whine and fake cry if he doesn’t get his way.”
The sassy man apocalypse shines through so many things with this duo.
“I love texting her things that are like ‘Get ahold of yourself, girl.’” said Anthony.
Is there ever a line to be crossed? Is there a thing such as being too sassy?
“Yes and no, sometimes it’s funny and sometimes it’s annoying. When it starts to gets on your nerves and becomes serious, it just becomes too much,” said both Amaya and Anthony.
Have you experienced the sassy man apocalypse? Let us know in the comments with some funny stories!
*Side Note: Is it the way you act?* →TikTok reference 🙂